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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lots of reading

I have been doing a lot of reading lately. So I will talk about a few of the books I have finished. Then move onto a few of the movies I have watched based off of books.

I read "New York to Dallas" by J.D Robb. I loved this installment of the in death series. At first i was confused because it is the only book not the have in death in the title of the book. But the way this book is structured and what it deals with makes sense. What I love about this series is the development of the characters. While I have read some reviews saying the books are the same story over and over, I would argue that the premise of the books are the same but what is important is the relationships the author is building within the stories. We are seeing these characters grow and change and come back multiple times. We as readers are building relationships with the characters. I thought it was a good build on the series. I am looking forward to the next installment which is stilling on my bookcase.

The next book I read was "Ruby Red" by Kerstin Gier. I greatly enjoyed this book. It is the first book in a trilogy and is really a set up book. While I thought it was interesting, it seems to just set you up for the adventure to follow in the next book. This is one that my friends and I are reading for book club, so it will be interesting to see what they thought of it. I actually am excited to read the next installment. I think once I put it into mu classroom library the kids are really going to enjoy it.

I also finally took out a copy of "Wintergirls" by Lauri Halse Anderson from the library. It was amazing. It looks at two girls, one who has passed away and her friend that is left behind. It deals with anorexia and the emotional and mental problems that go with those diseases. it was a fascinating and tragic book. It shows you how it effects the actually person suffering and how it effects the people around them as well. This is a powerful book I would to recommend to teens and parents.

Next up is "The Reading Zone" by Nancie Atwell. I liked this book. It had some really good ideas and reasoning about how to construct a class. it is worth a read. But I did feel is was a bit optimistic. it is written by a teacher who teaches at a school where she has a lot of control over what she teaches and what the school believes. But I really liked the book and got a lot out Atwell says about her reading workshops. I also really liked the ideas of the readers workshop and writers workshop.

I also went and saw two movies out right now based off of books. i saw The Mortal Instruments. I loved that movie. I loved it so much I am reading the book. I had started it but had a hard time getting into it. But after seeing the movie I really wanted to get through the book. So I am giving it another shot.

The other movie was Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. I actually liked this movie more the then first one. I was so engaged with the story that I really want to read the series now to see what happens. It was a series I had every intention of reading I just haven't gotten around to it. But now it is higher on my reading list.