One thing that has always confused me is when teachers tell me they don't read, especially English teachers. I have had some tell me they don't like reading. For me this is a huge problem. How can you foster the love of reading in students if you haven't found your passion for books? Now I understand that I am obsessed with books and read more then the average person. I do think if you are a teacher, especially english and reading, you should at least enjoy reading. I find the kids listen to my recommendations and come to me to help them select books because they know I read and I do let them know what I am reading. Because I read I can recommend books and can help students select books. Which I think is an important element of education. If a student does not know how to select their own books they are less likely to read for pleaure. You are the expert in the room and the students rely on you to help guide them and show them how to select books. This is a huge hurtle to some kids. I think we also need to take what they like to read seriously. Too many kids are shut down because thier books are "too short", "the wrong level", "graphic novels don't count". You are limiting thier choices. Now we do need to make sure kids are reading on the proper level and pushign themselves with appropriate texts. But how we go about assisting students in imporant.