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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Audio book

Now I have listened to audio books and I enjoy listening to them in the car or when I am doing data entry type tasks. My new goal is to make a conscious effort to try and listen to one more often. Right now the only one I had in my car was The Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho. I actually have a signed copy of the book. The book isn't that long. It is only two CDs. So I started that on my way home from work tonight. I figured listening to audio books when I am cleaning, driving, or doing other tasks would build in more reading time. So now I am on the look out for other audio books to enjoy. This is the second time I have listened to it. And like rereading a book, you discover new things when you listen to an audio book again. 

So I may go to the library this weekend to see what I can find to listen to. I may also look into Audible and see if that would be worth. I know some people who really like it and I can use the app on my phone to listen to the books on that. So we shall see the most efficient way for my new goal. 

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