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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years

Well it is the first day of a brand new year. While many people make resolutions, I take on reading challenges. This year I am completing two challenges. They overlap, but that is a moot point. So for 2013 I managed to read 57 books. Which I was quite proud of myself! My original goal had been 50 books. So with that data from last year I decided my goal for this year will be 52. So that is about a one book every week. I am very excited to get started.

The second challenge is one that I found on Goodreads. The moderators of the group came up with 25 different genres of books to read. So the goal for that challenge is 25. Now there are some pretty long books I am considering using for this challenge. So we will see how it goes as the year progresses. My book club will all be trying this challenge. So this one should be both interesting and fun. it will be nice to have people do it with me. I will be posting what I am mapping out for my challenge later this week. I am going through each category and pulling books off my bookshelf that I have not read yet. For most of the categories I think I have books that will be great to read.

So with that I hope everyone has a Happy New Year and has a great reading list ahead of them.

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