So I have seen a lot of debates and talk back and forth about e-readers vs print books. I have owner a Nook since they came out with the 1st generation. I recently updated my Nook Simple Touch to their new Nook Glowlight. I wanted an e-reader that had a back light. I also have an IPad mini which is where I read my library books and my iBooks, Kindle, and my Barnes and Noble e-books. Now I do still read a lot of print books as well. here is how I decide which medium to use. The first thing I look at is price. If it is on sale or a lot cheaper as an e-book, then I buy it for my Nook. I buy most of my books through Barnes and Noble since I have their e-reader. My Kindle and iBooks libraries are mostly free books that I come across. I get a lot of those from Book Bub. You set up your account and tell them what you like to read and which devices you read on. I also use coupons and discounts through websites to see which is the best way to buy the book.
Now I read a lot of books. So this has lead me to look into other ways to get books. I have started going to the library more to take out books and audio books. I am looking into Oyster which lets you read any books you want in their library for 9.95 a month. So even if I read one book a month from them it is paid for. I heard a pretty good review on it on the Book Riot podcast. This will be a service I check out later this year while I try to read through the books I already have on my shelf. I am also looking into doing audible. I will be worth the $15 dollars a month to get the audio books. I am not always able to find audio books I want to listen to at the library. So this will give me more options in that regard. I have been listening to more audio books lately and I am enjoying listening to them when I am in the car or doing chores. So those are some things I am looking into to see if I can save some money in the long run.
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