Here it's the link for those of you who are interested.
Now I selected this challenge because some of the categories are out of my comfort zone. I also have most of the categories covered by what is already on my bookcase. So this is to try reading a bit more variety the. I may usually try. I have branched out throughout the years and am trying new this. Now this is one of the challenges I am doing. I am also doing a genre challenge that is a different genre each month. Now to an extent I may try and get so e crossover between the two. But since my goal is 52 books this year and one challenge is 25 and the other is 12 which is only 37. It should not be a problem. I am very excited and have the books I will start with all mapped out.
As for starting the challenges I should be ready to start hem next week. I am finishing up Ghost Story by Jim Buthcher, which will count for 2014, but not for my challenges. So I will keep chugging along with that one for now.
Next post will cover the second challenge I am doing.
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