The second challenge I am undertaking is the monthly genre challenge. Here is the link for those of you who are interested: Know this group has a variety of reading challenges on it since it is the 2014 Reading Challenge Group. So this allows you to select a challenge that is right for you. I selected the genre challenge which means each month you read a specific genre. You can read one or as many as you like. I have chosen to read one book for each genre. Here is the run down....
January - Historical
February - Romance/Chick-Lit
March - Young Adult
April - Humour
May - Fantasy/Science-Fiction
June - Contemporary
July - Utopian/Dystopian
August - Crime/Mystery
September - Classic/Literary
October - Horror
November - Non-Fiction
December - Adventure
This group is pretty active and I like when i can see what other people are reading and talking about. it helps me select books and get an idea of what may be good or interests me.
So that those are the challenges I am trying this year. So my goal is to read 52 books this year, the 25 genre or category challenge, and the monthly genre challenge. I am very excited to get started on my reading adventure!!
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