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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dragon Con, Sons of Destiny, and Twitter

News: I will be posting upcoming releases and such. But that is a work in progess at this moment. I did go to the library today and bought a couple books, which is an odd reason to go to the library I know, but I can't pass up books for $1. I also purchased Christina Dodd's new books Storm of Visions and will be reading that shortly. If you have any suggetions or news let me know becuase I would love to hear about it.

Next week I am off to Atlanta, Georgia to attend Dragon Con. I am going to post a link to guest list in you are interested. I am hoping to find some new authors since there are quite a few going. So I will report back on that. I will be also trying to add blogs from my phone so the next few days may have some small updates that way, which if it works out I will post mini blogs that way. So next week I take the trip and we will see what lovely new books I find. I know Charlene Harris who wrote the Dead Until Dark books is going ad i still need to sift through the list to see who else I have read. And Dragon Con has workshops and panels that I am looking forward to!

Today's Review: I have decided to post about Jean Johnson's Sons od Destiny series. It has 8 books in the series and I would say it is fantasy romance, you'll find them in to romance section. They have to do with another world and magic, which is fantasy to me. I really enjoy these books and am not going to go one by one because they are really just one book books. The story sometimes overlaps and is pretty much continueous through the 8 books. The last book was just released so new reader don't have to wait for any. Jean Johnson does a wonderful job with plot and her characters are vivid and enjoyable. While I thought some of the books wearer then other, I was not drawn to the specific characters it was focused on which may have been the problem.

In a nut shell the books revovle around 8 brothers who are 4 sets of twins and how they deal with being exiled from there homeland because of a prophecy that is feared. And how these 8 brothers all find there wives, with a bit help from the youngest brother. I would highly recommend these books, and the plot is a bit complicated to out line in more deapth without runing anything. The books in the series are The Sword, The Wolf, The Master, The Song, The Cat, The Storm, The Flame, and The Mage. It is a fantastic series and I look forward to the author's next project. My only problem with the books, which really has nothing to do with the books, is how the designed the cover for The Flame, te seventh in the series. It is slightly different from the other, but that is a minor pet peeve.

I am also going to suggest people to follow on twitter, for those of you who enjoy that, which I adore. So todays twitter suggestion is Teresa Medeiros ( ) who is a romance author. She is delightful to follow on twitter.  Will also be writing about some of her books soon. I follow a lot of authors on twitter so I will post one or so daily if you are interested.

Also for facebook fans there is a group that may interest you. It's called Love Romance Novels and you can follow the creator of this group on twitter. and she is always putting together chats and events dealing with romance authors. here is the link

Let me know if any of the links don't work. Also I had to give up for now on the books I was reading On Basilisk Station, I will pick it up again later. So I need to go decide which book I am going to read today....hmmmmm so many choices.

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